
Saturday, May 21, 2011


Knock Off Decor is one of my favorite sites (hey, they even featured my Sit and Relax pillows!). When I first discovered the site, I bookmarked this Wine Barrel Lid Lazy Susan. Problem was, I had no lazy Susan, and no plans to spend a lot of money on one, just to change it up. Enter the Salvation Army Thrift Shop.
I was there today and found this little gem. It still had jam on it from the last owner (note to self...clean your stuff really good before you donate it, lest you be judged by some crafty blogger.). It didn't however, have a price tag.
Now, I also found this bowl, which will look great on my coffee table once it's properly distressed. Right now, it's just dirty and chipped. Price on it? $4. I got lucky. The lady at the register gave both pieces to me for $4. Total. Score!
So, home it came. A little scrubbing, and a light sanding later, the jam (and the shiny finish) were gone. Next, I created a design on my Silhouette. Do you have a Silhouette? If not, go and purchase one. Right now. You'll thank me later.
I cut the design out of white Contac paper that I got at the dollar store. No sense using the pricier Silhouette vinyl when I was going to paint over it and toss it anyway.
I cut the image into sections and placed them semi-strategically on the lazy Susan. The "Bin-92" is crooked. I wasn't being very careful. I planned it that way.
Next up, my trusty Ranger Paint Dabber in Pitch Black, and a stencil brush. I probably should have just used the dabber on the top. Oh, well.
I left it out in the sun to dry because it was sunny in California today, for a change. About half way through the drying time (20 minutes total. I'm not patient.), I pulled off the Contac paper.

Pretty! But too pretty. So I used some sand paper. And a hammer. And a piece of chain. And I got so busy with all of that, I forgot to take a picture. So, you'll have to wait for the big reveal.
A coat of Krylon Satin Finish Crystal Clear and I was done.
It will go on the dining room table. Soon. But the dining room table needs some work.

So for now, it will sit on the hearth with the champagne tote I got at another thrift store for $1.50. And that will be fine.
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  1. Wow, that looks great! I had never heard of a silhouette or a dabber so thanks for including the links.

  2. Thanks so much for looking and for leaving a comment! I love my Silhouette, and use it in a lot of different ways. I think my favorite thing about it is the ability to use the fonts I already have on my computer without having to buy an expensive cartridge.
